Hi There.
When you feel like you have been awarded an unreasonable grade, you should first try to ask yourself why you think it is unreasonable—
Maybe you think you had put in a lot time into the subject and gave it your best shot but the end results didn’t quite match your expectations?
Maybe it’s because all your other friends had done well in the test and you feel like you also deserve a good grade for the amount of effort you’ve put in?
Maybe you feel like your teacher doesn’t like you as much as your peers and was thus biased in your grading?
Maybe it’s that the teacher had perhaps been a bit too harsh on everyone and the whole class had performed poorly.
I would say that it is always good to check yourself first. How do you think you did? Have you dedicated enough time and effort in preparing for this test? What were the areas you think you did well in? What are the main things you could improve on? After that, you could try to go over any available feedbacks or comments given by your teacher. This could give you a clearer understanding of why you might’ve gotten your grade.
If you still think that your grade is unreasonable, you can try talking to your friends and peers and ask for some feedbacks if you feel comfortable doing so. This is not to compare your grades with others so that you feel better/worse about yourself——if you discuss your concerns with your friends, they may suggest some reasons to why you have gotten an “unreasonable grade” and share their perspectives. Your friends might have approached this test a different way and through comparing and learning from them, you could potentially see why you had not achieved a higher grade or what it takes to get to the next grade boundary.
However, you should remember that at the end of the day, ideally your teacher is who you should be reaching out to when you have concerns regarding your grades. You could politely ask them to explain how they had marked your test or what they thought was the biggest area of improvement for you(what made you lose so many marks or kept you from a higher grade). Be proactive and take ownership of your learning. Prompt and effective communication is extremely important so don’t be afraid to contact your teachers or express your concerns.
Upon reflection and perhaps more preparation, you could ask for a retake if you feel like it’s something that you would like so that your grade could be changed. However, do be aware that there are certain subjects or courses that don’t allow for retakes. If it is a grade that cannot be changed, I would say just focus on improving for the next test. I know it’s cliche but grades don’t define you!! Throughout your schooling you would encounter various types of teachers that grade very differently—they will each have their own standards of grading where some will be considered harsh and unreasonable.
You are unable to decide or choose which teacher you get for which subject, so the best way is to adjust your attitude towards learning and try to get accustomed to the ways different teachers grade/teach. The grades you are getting right now might only be temporary, but it is essential that you have the correct mindset. Focus on making concrete steps and acknowledge the improvements you are making along the way even if you think they are just tiny little steps. Do not let an unreasonable grade discourage you! Just know that you’re not alone. Take initiative and seek help when necessary. There are plenty of people around the school and outside the school who are able to assist you!
Dear Letterbox
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