Hi reader,
Have you ever heard of the phrase, “what goes on the Internet, stays on the Internet”? It may not seem like it, it seems like you could delete anything with one click of a button. However, that is not the case. In the era of technology and social media, with just a little digging, anything you have ever posted on the Internet is easily accessible by anyone, Therefore, anything you post on the Internet is bound to be seen by basically anyone with access to the Internet, which, unfortunately, does include your classmates.
If you are, nonetheless, persistent in creating douyins, there are a few ways to continue posting without fear of your classmates viewing them. You could either learn to accept the fact that your classmates, in the end, will be able to view your douyins, or you could change the situation. To begin with, you could block your classmates’s accounts, now they won’t able to view your videos because you’ve blocked them from doing so. Next, you could turn your 抖音 account into a private account, meaning you have total control over your followers and who is able to view your account. However, for some reason, if your classmates are still able to view your douyins, you should learn to accept that. What’s the worst they could do, anyway?
Whatever happens, remember to not care about what others think and do what makes you happy :)
Good luck!
Dear Letterbox
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