Dear client who thinks the math crap is easy and that there is very little range in the math course,
Thank you for asking this question. Our team came up with a few solutions for you regarding your problem.
Change courses. You didn’t specify your grade and course, so it is unclear what you are referring to when you claim “easy”. There is a possibility for your teacher to help you advance to a higher level of math within your grade that includes more difficult material, thereby resolving your issue (unless you are already in an advanced or HL class).
Skip a grade. If, after advancing to a higher level, you still believe the math to be too easy, consider skipping a grade. However, this requires you to flourish in your other core classes (English and science). If you are not confident in those subjects, it may be more worthwhile to focus on your areas of weakness, as clearly, there is no issue with your mathematical ability. If you are as good at English and science as you are math, though, congratulations! You are ready to graduate one year earlier. While skipping grades at ISB is incredibly uncommon, there’s no harm in taking your chances.
Apply to college. After skipping a grade, if you feel that the math is still too easy, you may be ready for university-level math. Since you already have adequate knowledge regarding this specific subject, college may aid in finding and learning skills that will be beneficial towards employment and career stability. Why don’t you apply to a few, and we’ll see how that goes?
In summary, if your math class is too easy, you can challenge yourself with many possibilities and choices, the successes of which may vary. However, it is up to you to see what you want to do.
Dear Letterbox