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Apr 29, 2024
If God is omnipotent, can he create a stone he cannot lift?
Greetings, questioner. I am a Christian and my knowledge of gods from other religions is limited, so I will answer your question to the...

Mar 23, 2024
Ayo why the math crap so easy and why is there such little range in the math course
Dear client who thinks the math crap is easy and that there is very little range in the math course, Thank you for asking this question....

Mar 23, 2024
How do I differentiate between platonic and romantic attraction?
Dear reader, The complicated part about this question is that there is a very thin line between platonic and romantic interest. With...

Mar 21, 2024
Why is it important to have friends
Hi! Friends are important for a variety of reasons. We meet many people throughout the short amount of time we’re here on Earth, and...

Mar 21, 2024
This is probably the worst time to ask this, but how should I (as a senior) tell my crush about how I feel and when should I do it? considering we're probably never going to see each other again.
Dear Questioner, If you have feelings for someone, and you’re not sure what to do, don’t stress it too much. Odds are they like you back....

Feb 27, 2024
Why are we not getting enough questions?
Dear Client, That’s an excellent question! We need more questions. Please submit more questions. My job is hard when there’s a lack of...

Feb 22, 2024
Should I risk applying to a really good school with REA?
Hello, The answer is that it depends. There are a lot of factors that come into play (e.g. grades, essays, extra-curriculars, majors,...

Feb 22, 2024
Why do some people smell so bad it stinks up the whole room
Dear Client, Body odor happens when bacteria on your skin come in contact with sweat. Reasons for people to stink may be because they...

Feb 22, 2024
Is the ship of Theseus still the same ship?
Dear Client, I personally believe that the ship of Theseus is in fact the same ship as before all of its parts were replaced. Although...

Feb 22, 2024
My parents want me to do one thing, but I want to do something else. What should I do?
Hi, Thank you for the question. It depends because everyone's parents are different. But the best thing to do is to sit them down for a...

Feb 22, 2024
Dear Questioner, Why not? Everyone says to question the meaning of things and to be a "critical thinker". They say you should constantly...

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