Friends are important for a variety of reasons. We meet many people throughout the short amount of time we’re here on Earth, and sometimes we form genuine relationships with others, whether platonic or romantic. If getting McDonalds at 12 AM and playing video games together doesn’t convince you, there are scientific reasons behind making friends. Besides having someone to hang out with, friends can offer emotional support, increased happiness, less stress, and give you a sense of belonging.
Emotional Support: Friends can offer reassurance and comfort when times are rough or you need someone to talk to. By supporting each other, you and your friends can build trust and have your feelings be heard. This can help validate your feelings or create opportunities where you can ask friends for advice.
Increased Happiness: Studies have shown that the strength of your relationship with family and friends is tied to general happiness. According to CNBC, people with 5 or more friends are, on average, 60% happier. Additionally, surrounding yourself with people that you trust can boost your mood as it increases levels of serotonin, or the “happy hormone.” Being around other people you feel comfortable with can also increase oxytocin, which can induce anti-stress effects and help build stronger relationships by increasing trust.
Sense of Belonging: Friends can help prevent feelings of isolation and loneliness as they should make you feel acknowledged, included, and valued. In a world where there’s a surging loneliness epidemic due to our busy lifestyles, friends are crucial in improving and maintaining our general wellbeing.
I’ve only listed a few but there are many other reasons to have friends! It’s also important to note that you should find the right people and surround yourself with people who look out for your best interest, and vice versa! This may take time but remember to treat people the way you want to be treated, and you’ll find your friends in no time :)
With love,
Dear Letterbox