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Why are we not getting enough questions?

Dear Client,

That’s an excellent question! We need more questions. Please submit more questions. My job is hard when there’s a lack of good questions to answer. We’ve received questions like “gaslight, gatekeep, or girlboss?” What is that supposed to mean? I’m not about to spend the next half hour going down a bottomless spiralhole reading articles from Vox about feminism (sadly this is true) just to answer one question. We’ve also gotten questions like “how do you prove the existence of consciousness?” I don’t know man! How can we prove that anything exists? Please don’t make me read about George Berkeley and immaterialism on Wikipedia just for me to get nowhere. I already have enough built-up existential dread. So, please tell your friends to ask high quality, insightful questions. If you submit good questions, we’ll respond with good answers.

You can submit them at or check out the Instagram account @dear_letterbox

Best Regards,

Dear Letterbox

Dear Letter Box // ISB

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