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How do you throw hands?

Hi friend,

First off, what is “throwing hands”? According to, it is “When you knuckle-up and start swinging to beat a ************ down.” Now, the language used is a bit vigorous, but you get the idea. (for legal reasons, this is a JOKE. Please do not “throw hands” at anyone).

Here’s how you do it.


1. You mouth the words “You wanna fight?” (make sure you are mouthing them clearly).

2. Then, you square up 🆙 to them (walk up to them).

3. This step is critical. You want to act tough. Remember, fake it until you make it. If you cannot fight, you need to act as you can. Keep your shoulders broad and breathe as hard as you can through your nostrils (NOSTRILS NOT MOUTH).

4. Start jumping around the person. (Sort of a mixture between hopping and jumping) Make the other person feel uncomfortable!

5. Make the first punch. (again, this is a joke. please don’t take this seriously) This is important because you need to assert dominance.

However, if you cannot fight, you want to run for your life after the first punch. Running may seem like the wrong move and a sign of weakness but in this case. It is your best and only way out.

“Throwing hands” is 90% build-up and 10% of actual physical involvement. So make sure you are good at acting tough. I hope this helped! (all jokes aside, please do not attempt this tutorial).

Have a good one :)

Dear Letterbox



Dear Letter Box // ISB

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