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I hate math.


I also hate math because we only use addition subtraction division multiplication in real life. Nothing else.

People always spill their water on the calendar, rip their papers and want to find how many salt is in water in the math problems, and tell us to find out the unknown parts.

Also, you don’t remember what you learned in class after you do your exam. In the future, you can search for the formula or how to do math when needed. However, there is a site that gives you answers and the explanations for what you want, so you can search for it if you need additional explanations after your class or finishing your homework. (no cheating!). Also, you can ask friends if you don’t understand some math problems. I do that too and that really helps you to do better at math. You can also try to learn math that is useful in real life and that will make you less painful than the math that is useless in real life.

It is the law of nature that you hate math, and I will support you.


Dear Letter Box // ISB

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