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Oct 13, 2021
How do I come out to my homophobic mom?
Coming out to your parents can be a stressful, complicated process, especially if you have a parent who does not believe in or accept...
Oct 13, 2021
How do I make friends?
Hi, You might be shy to speak with people with who you want to get close to and make friends with. I recommend to first observe them for...
Oct 13, 2021
The girl I like doesn't like me back, HELP!
Dear user, don’t worry. We will try our best to help you. First of all, you must find out whether she actually doesn’t like you. Some...
Oct 13, 2021
My ex is in my class and he won't stop bothering me. Should I get back with him?
Hello, I think it depends on what you think. I don’t think you should get back with them just because you want them to stop bothering...
Oct 13, 2021
What are some of the best movies?
Hi Here are some recommendations: No Country For Old Men (2007) Crime/Thriller Llewelyn Moss, who took $2 million in cash at the scene of...
Oct 13, 2021
Why is Breast Cancer Awareness month in October?
Hi! This is a great question since it’s now the month of October. I don’t know the exact date that the month was created, but here’s a...
Oct 13, 2021
How do I get popular?
Hello friend, You’re not alone in this, I’m sure this question has passed through every high school student’s mind at least once. That is...
Oct 13, 2021
I don't like sitting in class.
Hi, I can understand that you don’t like sitting in class because sometimes I also think like you! Nevertheless, I have to respond to you...
Oct 13, 2021
How to prove by contradiction that √2 is irrational?
Hello. This is a classic example of proof by contradiction, although there are many more ways to prove this statement, of course. To...
Oct 13, 2021
Should I get an iPad for the IB?
Hi! It could be a very good investment, depends on how you want to use it. In the IB, for certain subjects (such as the sciences, or...
Oct 13, 2021
Why am I still single?
Hi! Since I’ve been single for a long time, I have no definite answers for it. But there are some “possible” reasons why you are still...
Oct 13, 2021
Is a burger technically a sandwich?
Dearest client, The submission of this question has been greatly appreciated. We, as licensed philosophers contributing to the answers at...
Oct 13, 2021
I hate math.
Hi! I also hate math because we only use addition subtraction division multiplication in real life. Nothing else. People always spill...
Oct 13, 2021
Why is it so cold?
Hi friend :), To answer your question, I don’t know. Did you leave the ac on?
Oct 13, 2021
What does love feel like?
Generation after generation, the concept of love has been a motif, if you will. It's been a favoured discussion amongst poets,...
Oct 13, 2021
My gf says I'm not a qualified boyfriend, what does she mean by "qualified"?
Hi readers. How’s your relationship going? How’s your girlfriend? Are you guys having problems regarding your partner’s standards of a...
Oct 13, 2021
What day is it today?
Well, as of the publishing day for this cycle of questions on Dear Letterbox... It is Oct 13, 2021.

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