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Should I get an iPad for the IB?


It could be a very good investment, depends on how you want to use it. In the IB, for certain subjects (such as the sciences, or language&literature courses) the teachers will specifically ask you to write your notes using pen & paper to practice for the final IB exam and getting used to handwriting everything. However, there are also subjects where teachers don’t have any expectations in particular to how you should be taking your notes (for those subjects I usually type my notes on my laptop). Just to give you an idea, I’ve been using an iPad to take notes for the past 3 years or so. However, I don’t really put in a lot of time and effort into writing “neat” and “aesthetic” notes. My iPad is practically just another place where I keep my “messy notes” or drafts for maths...things like that. I use my iPad mostly for revision where I compile all the notes/worksheets/topics covered in one particular unit/cycle and organize them into one master document/note—this is when I actually take the time and try to make my notes as structured and aesthetically pleasing as possible. It’s probably not the best method though—you should be consistent with the quality of your notes and treating them seriously. For me, it doesn’t make that big of a difference in my learning but I do appreciate the conveniences of it. It is quite compatible with your laptop as you can easily transfer your files and documents between the two devices and in general, it does save you some time as you don’t have to worry about bringing the right notebook for each subject or losing your notes.


Dear Letter Box // ISB

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