Dear user,
don’t worry. We will try our best to help you.
First of all, you must find out whether she actually doesn’t like you. Some rumors or lies can deceive you. You want to make sure that she actually doesn’t like you. If she likes you, you are good to make the move. However, if you are sure she doesn’t like you back, we are here for you.
Brace yourself for possible failure. Not all things in life work out the way you want. However, you can try your best to make sure it works out.
Try to get closer but not too fast. Gradually become their friend but also don’t become too close to get friend zoned.
We think personality is the most important factor. Nothing will work out if your personality is not good. You should treat them the same way you would want to be treated. Try to think from their perspective, be considerate, and respect their boundaries.
Being funny or having a great sense of humor is beneficial to have as it helps the girl enjoy the time spent with you. It makes their experience with you more enjoyable and therefore makes them want to spend more time with you.
Try to befriend your crush’s friend. Not only does this strengthen your social life at school, “girl” friends are very precious because they provide you with new perspectives that you might be blind to. By getting close to your crush’s friend, you also get to know them better, have more opportunities to meet them, and naturally hang around them more.
Be yourself. If they are not willing to accept your true self, or if you have to fake being someone else to make them like you, we firmly believe that the relationship will not work out.
Finally, the most important part. Remember that everyone has their own type. Everyone has their ideal partner with ideal personality, looks, and etc. Those are the things you cannot change. So instead of being sad that your crush doesn’t like you back, try your best and if that doesn’t work, you at least know that you tried your best .