Dearest client,
O, woe is me! When I found out that the school blocked AO3! How was I to read my fanfict- I MEAN LITERATURE whilst slacking off in class? Who, or what, would provide me the escapism I so desperately needed from the monotonous drag of everyday life? O, just where could I possibly go to find the red lips and rosy cheeks, say you’ll see me again even if it’s just in your wildest dreams?
Thankfully, the internet is a vast meadow of content, and there are other places (albeit, from my experience, none as good as AO3) where beautiful literature can be accessed. Below are some examples, paired along with my personal comments, criticisms and analyses from my own experiences on them.
Fanfiction.net, alternatively known as FFnet (link: https://www.fanfiction.net/). One of the older sites that have been around, FFnet is widely regarded among the fanfiction community as a “classic” place to read immaculate literature. The search filter isn’t as easy to use as AO3’s, but a little bit of digging and you can very well strike gold. What must also be noted, however, that most of the better fics that are on there are also from older fandoms (as FFnet is an older website). Fun fact, what is probably the most notorious fic of all time, My Immortal, was reportedly first published on this website. If you’re looking for a somewhere to read your Draco Malfoy x Harry Potter fics, FFnet is the place.
This second option was originally my good friend Quotev, but after very little digging I found out that it doesn’t load either! How the world brutally keeps us from enchanting prose and forces us to stay in this same old tired lonely place! Good thing that Commaful (link: https://commaful.com/) is here to save the day. It’s kind of like a really chill coffee shop, where you can read fluff and everything beyond whilst sipping an internet cappuccino. The best way I can put it, is that it’s just really nice. So take out your phone and your coffee machine, and settle down under a weighted blanket!
Tumblr (link: https://www.tumblr.com/). I know what you’re thinking, “Isn’t Tumblr that really weird corner of the internet that everyone recommends not to touch?” Well, yes, but that was a couple of years ago. Most people who use it nowadays are grown-up and have grown out of their immature teenage phases. And, what’s more, it’s an absolutely wonderful place for fanfiction. There is so much variety, so much content, and so much of it is so GOOD, too. I know Tumblr has made a little bit of a reputation for itself in its early 2010s days, but trust me on this one. You can thank me later.
I wish you the best of luck in your endeavours for mind-blowing literature, and I hope that these couple of recommendations assist you in that. Happy reading!
Our sincerest regards,
Dear Letterbox