Thanks for your question; it’s very insightful.
Are you talking about video games in this scenario or just games in general? Because if it were up to me, I would choose unlimited bacon over unlimited video games (sorry). I might be biased because bacon reminds me of where I’m from, but there’s no room for debate here. I love bacon more than I love a lot of things. Nothing comes between me and my bacon. Happiness is bacon shaped. All you need is bacon and a dream. All things to live by.
I could go a month without playing a video game, but I couldn’t go a month without bacon. Need a quick breakfast? Make some bacon. Need a lovely ingredient for a lunchtime sandwich? Look no further than bacon. It truly is a home kitchen staple.
The only video game I would consider changing my mind about this for is Mario Kart; when I tell you I love that game, I don’t think you grasp just how much I genuinely enjoy it. Some of my happiest memories with friends and family involve Mario Kart.
So, while I understand that you might love video games, personally, I disagree. Bacon takes the win. After all, they do say, ‘bring home the bacon’ and not ‘bring home the video game.’
Dear Letterbox