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What is the difference between Buddy and the Break? They’re literally the same thing.


Thanks for asking!

To put it simply, Buddy! is a magazine publication and The Break is a newspaper publication. Both are student-run clubs here at ISB. From my own experience, I’ve found that Buddy! tends to be more art-oriented while The Break is more focused on the writing and adapts a more formal style. Also, themes/topics in Buddy! are often centered around internet culture/trends while The Break focuses more on reporting news. This might be something you want to consider if you are thinking of joining either in the future!

Though, because the two clubs share similarities, there is a heated rivalry. As I am a current member of Buddy!, I am obligated to say Buddy! is the better club or else the Execs will hunt me down and possibly burn me at the stake. Anyway, I hope that helps to create a clearer distinction between the two publications! :)

Have a great day,

Dear Letterbox <3


Dear Letter Box // ISB

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