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What should I do if someone isn’t doing their work in the group?

Updated: Oct 27, 2021


First, when this kind of situation happens, talk to your group partner first. Talk with them and give them something to work on, because they just might be lost. When you distribute work, try to do so evenly. Don’t try to take all the workload. Then, you just need to do YOUR work only. Don’t try to do other’s work. If you do, everyone will try to take advantage of you in future group works.

You can also talk to a teacher and tell them about the situation. Don’t complain about the partner but give them a summary of what’s happening. This could help the teachers to notice who is falling short and decide how to handle the issue.

If communication doesn’t work, just don’t write their names on the final work.

Or, if the project doesn’t require that much work, you should also not do anything until your partner feels anxious and starts working on it.

Finally, if all of the solutions doesn’t work, just appreciate the chance to do all the work. You will gain lots of skills compared to the partners.

I hope this helps.

Dear Letterbox

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Dear Letter Box // ISB

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