Deciding when would be the right point in time to judge a person is a hard decision to make. Judging someone based on what they do or how they are as soon as you meet them is not the best move. Therefore, I will lead you through this while answering the question as well as possible.
Firstly, if you are judging a person you have recently met and are unaware of how they might be, give them some time to display their characteristics and share their knowledge. Understand them as a person and provide them with a chance to open up.
For instance, when talking to a particular individual you have recently met, you understand their personality type and recognize if both of you have similarities by interacting with the person. If not, you gain knowledge or an understanding of whatever conversation you had with them.
Thus, giving them a chance to open up is important before judging them. However, each individual takes a different amount of time to open up and present themselves as who they are. This is where it gets tricky. You might think the person is being hostile or rude, but perhaps they are simply not comfortable with sharing their true self with you because they do not know you.
It is a human tendency to not be as friendly with someone you do not find “your type” in a first impression. However, it is not appropriate to judge them either because you are not aware of what they might be going through.
To finally answer the question, the right time to judge someone can depend on how they act when they are around you. Do they constantly make you insecure? Constantly pick on you? Do not behave appropriately? When it is clear that their behavior towards you is not befitting you can decide to judge them.
Also, suppose you are walking in a dark alley or you are alone somewhere when someone creepily approaches you. Then go ahead and judge them instantly.
Dear Letterbox
Image source: https://www.psci.com/it-consultant-best-practices/