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Do soulmates exist?

I know there are plenty of books that delve into the scientific side of this question, but I'm more curious about your opinion. How you would define soulmates, etc.

Hi -

The idea of one person being the only person in the universe for you, aka your “soulmate,'' seems a bit idealistic and unrealistic given there are almost 8 billion people on the planet. I do think a person could come along and check all/most of your relationship boxes and seem to perfectly meet your needs at a given point in your life.

This is's just not so special that nobody else could possibly fill the void.

Please come back to reality.

Over time, you may develop a connection with the other person to the point that it would seem abnormal to not be in a relationship with them. You may find that your personalities compliment one another and you appreciate, or can at least tolerate, the other person's flaws. You like being with them and they like being with you. Basically, you are two pieces of a unique puzzle and there is no whole if you're not connected. This isn't to say, however, that if things go poorly you will never find another matching piece. You might just have to find a similar piece and whittle your own piece down in order to create a new shape that fits.

The point I’m trying to make is that we all have some predetermined criteria for a partner and when someone seems to meet the majority of these things, they may seem like “the one.” However, there are plenty of people out there who probably also check the majority of your boxes (or even more), so if it doesn’t work out with someone you think was your “soulmate,” it’s very possible that you’ll find someone else that you like even more. Sure, there are those instances of “love at first sight” that you see in the movies, but this type of infatuation and obsessive desire for another person may totally change once you get past their physical attraction and actually get to know them. It often does.

The ultimate goal in life is to find someone who you think is okay looking that doesn’t drive you absolutely crazy when you’re with them for extended periods of time.

In my opinion, that’s true love.

Dear Letterbox

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