For sure! Most teachers know more than they let on; honestly, I think most students overestimate how “slick” they are.
Have you ever had a chat that turns into friendly teasing with a friend while the teacher sits nearby? Your teacher definitely hears you but elects to ignore it because it isn’t seriously harmful. It’s either that or your teacher is constantly experiencing temporary hearing loss at the exact moments you start teasing ... and it’s probably not the latter. You can bet that teachers know who has a crush on who in their class, but they just don’t bother to show or mention it since it isn’t their business.
Though, teachers knowing this information has less to do with how perceptive they are and more with how obvious students are with their crushes. When students are near or interacting with their crush, their entire demeanor changes. Some easy tells are glancing at a specific person when anything remotely interesting happens to gauge their reaction and laughing at everything the person says, even if the statement is not funny at all. Perhaps it’s hard to realize when you’re in the midst of everyone, but from where a teacher stands, they can see everything.
So the next time you’re crushing on someone in your class, know that your teacher probably knows :) It’s ok though; they may be judging you, but at least they’re doing it secretly.
It may be a little “Big Brother,” but hey, at least now you know. Or was it better before this revelation? Ignorance IS bliss.
Anyway, have a nice day :)
Dear Letterbox