Dearest client,
To answer how to convince your parents, you must know your parents. Your parents want the best for you: they want you to be successful. So, to capture their attention, the best way is to work their interest in your success into your request.
Compare the following examples:
You: “Mom, I want a dog!”
Mom: “No”
Keep in mind: timing is everything.
You approached your mother after she just had a good laugh with her friends.
You: “Mom, I’ve been thinking about my college applications.”
Mom: “Oh”
You’ve captured her attention.
You: “And I realized that colleges, they don’t merely care about your grades. Nowadays, they also look for people with quality characteristics.”
Mom: “Oh”
You’ve made her think about how to achieve that goal.
You: “I did some research (profound use of diction, makes you sound serious), and I’ve found that taking care of dogs are great ways to develop your responsibility (parent-convincing diction). So, I’m thinking about getting a cute, striking dog (expresses your positive attitude towards the situation). What are your thoughts, Mom?
At this point, you’ve left your parents with no option, but yes. If they choose no, it seems as though they are hindering your success and crushing their dear child’s heart.
Mom: “Sure”
And tada! You’ve done it.
Good luck!
Dear Letterbox
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