Figuring out your sexuality can be an extremely difficult and confusing process; there is not unfortunately a right way or a routine you can follow to determine your sexuality. However, you aren’t alone in this, it is common for people to question their sexuality at some point in their lives. You could ask yourself some questions, such as “could you imagine yourself dating and potentially marrying someone of the same gender?” or “am i truly comfortable with the ”gay“ label?”. Along with asking yourself questions and placing yourself in scenarios, you could educate yourself on LGBTQ+. Understanding the LGBTQ+ community is extremely helpful, the community could assist you in figuring out your sexuality. At ISB, you could find people such as your counselors or PRISM that could provide resources and support. Once you figure out your sexuality, it could help improve your understanding of yourself!
Whether you decide to identify as gay, straight, bisexual, or as another sexuality, I wish you good luck on your journey in discovering your true identity. Remember to take as much time as possible in deciding your true sexuality, and it is completely okay to not be so sure on your sexuality. Sexuality is not defined by only labels, so you are allowed to be identified however you want. Also, don’t feel pressured in coming out to anyone. Only come out when you're absolutely ready, but then again, coming out to yourself is already enough!
Best Regards,
Dear Letterbox
Links to read more on the LGBTQ+ and discovering your identity:
New York Times: If You’re Asking, ‘Am I Gay? Lesbian? Bi? Trans? Queer?’ Here’s a Start
A list of LGBTQ+ terminology
The Trevor Project - an non-profit organisation for that protects the mental health of LGBTQ+ youths
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