...I have developed an attraction towards the same sex. I don't know if I should tell my friends

If my friends were making uncalled for remarks about the LGBT community I would not come out. The reason for that is because it’s not ideal to come out in an environment that is not accepting and respecting towards the LGBT+ community. Instead, I would mention good things about the community and allyship to try to dismantle preconceived notions and stigmas people may have. If people continue to disrespect you and the community despite your efforts, this is not an ideal time and place to come out. It is okay to remain in the closet until you are in a place where it is safe and accepting. Only come out when you are mentally and physically ready. Just know that despite the negativity, you are loved and there is a whole community of like minded people around the world that will support you.
Check out our other article on coming out here for more resources.
Good luck - we're here for you!
Dear Letterbox
Image source: https://www.e-ir.info/2015/06/26/a-seat-at-the-table-international-lgbtq-rights-at-the-united-nations/