Dear client,
The answer to that question depends heavily on the religion you subscribe to. If you’re religious, refer to the appropriate religious texts for the answer. For example, if you’re Christian, you go to hell/heaven. If you’re a spaghetti monster believer (Pastafarianist), you’re swallowed by the great spaghetti monster. However, if you are an atheist then I’d like to ask you this question in return: “Why does it matter what happens when you die?”
Thinking about death is healthy in moderation but just don’t do it too much. Much like life, death is whatever you make of it. I like to think of the place after death as a nice room with a comfy bed.
P.S. The interpretation of death in Greek mythology is pretty interesting, you should check it out.
Dear Letterbox
Image source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_Spaghetti_Monster