You have asked the right person about this, for I have many experiences and have participated in some of the biggest trick or treating events in Shunyi.
In all honesty it really depends on what you’re after, are you...
Looking to get the most candy?
Interested in scaring little kids?
Or having a fun night out with friends?
You want to flex on your friend by getting the most candy? Simple, visit the motherland of the candy, River Garden. Every year the place is jam-packed with kids, adults, and people who aren't even from River Garden. According to my rough estimation, 60% of the houses in River Garden participate in the the annual trick or treating event. That's 540 houses for kids to harass and get candy from. Rent a tuk tuk and get moving.
If you’re interested in scaring little kids... WELL. It’s actually very simple, put on a mask and start running, those little kids won't even have time to react. Trick or treating isn't only about the candy!
Finally, If you simply just want to hangout with your friends and munch on a few candies... River Garden (again) is the place to go! If you’d like more reading on that, feel free to check out the “Why do people go to River Garden to trick or treat?” question!
Have a spooktashious day,
Dear Letterbox
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