Personally, I’ve spent 2 or 3 Halloweens at River Garden although I live downtown. I really enjoyed the few times that I spent there with my friends, and so I believe that there are a few reasons why people go to River Garden:
1. Their friend (or a lot of their friends) live there, high participation
A lot of ISB students, and students from other international schools live in River Garden, which means that there are a lot of people in River Garden that participate in Halloween activities. Furthermore, River Garden also host Halloween activities in their clubhouse, which is the haunted house. This provides so much more entertainment for older kids as some believe that they have “outgrown” trick-or-treating, and so they would want to go to River Garden for those activities.
2. River Garden’s layout
I live in an apartment building, and let’s just say that trick or treating is difficult to do when you have to take an elevator. Because River Garden mostly consists of individual houses, it makes trick or treating so much more fun, and easy, to go door to door.
3. Better candy
I’m not sure if everyone is aware of this, but River Garden has good candy. And by that I mean that they have a variety of sweets that you cannot get in China (or if you could, for a very high price). The first time I’ve tried Sour Patch Kids or Swedish Fish was from Halloween candy I got from River Garden, so I returned the following year in hopes of more of that good candy.
And if you are contemplating whether to spend Halloween in River Garden, I strongly recommend it! I promise you won’t regret it.
I hope this answers your question!
From Dear Letterbox
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