Hey cutie!
I’d use a large potato sack ;)
Though, if you want to “bag a cutie” without ending up with a third-degree felony and imprisonment for up to 3 years, I’d try something else. To preface this, if you yourself are a cutie (which I don’t doubt), “bagging” a fellow cutie would be no problem. However, let’s assume you’re attempting to “bag” a super cutie, that is to say: the cutest of the cuties. In that case, natural cuteness is not enough. You must make a genuine effort to “bag” that super cutie.
Although it may seem daunting at first, “bagging a cutie” is not a task that will require you to move heaven and earth to accomplish. Flash the cutie a winsome smile, strike up a conversation with them and, have them remember you for both your cute exterior and your disposition. If the cutie knows you personally, it’s much more likely that they will, at the very least, have a positive image of you.
With your positive image created, here are some things for you to do to “bag a cutie”:
Just talk to them in general! If you’re too afraid, then talk about schoolwork! Though this may result in slow progress and a superficial understanding of each other, over time, you’ll be more willing to talk to each other about more personal things.
Try to partake in the same activities as the cutie during and after school! This will result in more progress as you’re actually interacting with said cutie. It also shows the cutie that you enjoy doing some of their hobbies, establishing some similarities.
If the cutie is your friend, you’re in luck! Just invite them to hang out and give subtle hints that they are, in fact, the one and only cutie in your heart <3.
These actions should inch you closer to the goal of “bagging that cutie.” Though the scenario mentioned is between a cutie and a super cutie, these methods should also work between a non-cutie and a cutie. If they don’t work and you are unable to bag the cutie, don’t worry; it’s not the end of the world. Perhaps that cutie just wasn’t right for you; there are so many more cuties in the world, and you’ll eventually bag the right one :)
Dear Letterbox