Dearest client,
Ah yes, ‘tis the season of prom! Love is in the air, and students are wracked with nervousness as they put together sparkly posters with cheesy puns and prepare flashy confessions for the people they’ve been eyeing. As the night approaches, teenage emotions skyrocket. There comes a time when desperation hits, and the question peeping about in the back of everyone’s minds solidifies into a head-scratching, unanswerable dilemma: how do I bag a hottie for prom?
This question was so profound, in fact, that we brought it up and briefly discussed it in our beloved Dear Letterbox group-chat, and we got two very straightforward answers back: 1) buy them tickets, and 2) be hot yourself. And although these answers will probably work, to say the least, prom tickets are like 500 RMB per, and it’s safer to assume the assumption that you are not hot (no offense). So what are some actual things you can do?
Anyone would love a sweet, heartfelt confession. You could go with a simple rose and maybe even a note if you’re too shy for an in-person interaction. In this case, something short and simple will do very nicely—something like “I really like you, will you go to prom with me?” Even if you end up getting rejected, I’m sure that they’ll appreciate the wholesomeness of your inquiry.
Alternatively, you could take the funny route, which would create a favourable atmosphere, and your humour could even serve as an incentive for them to go with you. Strike up a lighthearted conversation and at some point pop the question. Sample conversation: “How did you do on your last math test?” “Bad. Maybe if you went to prom with me, I’d do better next time.” (“Well, I guess you’ll fail your next one, too.”) Not only is this is a casual way to bring it up, but if it doesn’t go well, you could even just play it off as a joke.
I don’t want to go on a cringy tangent about understanding rejection and being able to go with your friends even if you don’t manage to get a date. I think that’s been said too many times in too many different ways, and it’s very obviously much too idealistic. Hotties are few and far between, especially in high school (make of that what you will), and so it’s likely that most will not be able to bag one for such a memorable experience like prom. But still! Rejection is an experience in and of itself, albeit a miserable one.
Think of it this way: what if you’re the hottie that someone’s trying to bag?
Our sincerest regards,
Dear Letterbox
Image Source: a dear friend of mine.