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How do I confess my crush to my best friend?

Hi readers!

How are you all doing today? How are your stress levels? Are they really high because of academics or because of the tension that you’re about to CONFESS to YOUR BEST FRIEND TODAY?! Making a confession can be really hard, especially if it’s your best friend. Having a crush on your best friend can be good because if they are your best friend, chances are you know them really well! However, confessing is a major task. It’s not that easy. Although confessing is not easy, but I can give you a few tips and tricks from which confessions would become much more easier!

  • Try writing a note: Make sure your note is handwritten, short, and legible.

  • Try confessing in real life: I know face to face confessions are stressful, but it’s the best way to confess. Confessing over text could also lead to misunderstandings. For example, if you confess to them and they suddenly disappear, you might think that you have been ghosted, but actually some work might have come up instead.

  • Be honest: Tell them how you actually feel. Don’t beat around the bush or try to small talk. This is because hiding anything from your best friend is almost impossible.

  • Make sure you pick the right time: These are your personal feelings. They are sensitive. Make sure you pick a place where you two can actually have a chat peacefully and don’t have to rush through the process.

  • Gauge their feelings: Make sure you take into keen consideration your relationship with that person lately. If you guys have been talking and texting a lot lately, maybe this might be a good time. However, if you guys haven’t talked or hung out in while, maybe this might not be the correct time. You might want to hold it in a bit.

  • Don’t hit them with the “We need to talk”: As soon as a person hears this phrase, they get all anxious and nervous. If something was even going to go right, chances are it might get messed up now.

  • Tell them how valuable the friendship is still for you: Before confessing, tell them that no matter what happens you will always value the bond you two share and that will never drift off.

  • Accept their feelings: Maybe you might get accepted or might get rejected. Either way, respect their feelings. Make sure not to overreact on them because of their response.

  • Be Comfortable with the Change: After you confess, things might go the way you want to or in the opposite direction. No matter which way they go, make sure you don’t let those aspects get over how you feel about the friendship

Confessing to someone might seem like a huge task in its own-self. However, confessing to your best friend is even bigger. Trust me when you want to confess to someone and you’re scared to, that’s the worst feeling. Therefore, I recommend try confessing. It would lift a heavy weight off your chest.

All of my best wishes are with you. GO FOR IT!


Dear Letterbox


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Dear Letter Box // ISB

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