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How do you know if someone likes you (back)?

Hello readers!

How are y’all doing today? Are any of you feeling stressed or anxious due to academic stress or perhaps... love life stress? If your main love life stress is whether or not someone (your crush) likes you back or not? It’s really a tough call answering this question without any evidence, or sometimes that evidence might even be misleading. For example, if you and you crush make a lot of eye contact, that could maybe be a sign of growing tension (in a romantic way) between you two. Regardless, don’t you worry about how to know whether someone likes you back or not. Today, I will tell you about some signs that might really make it clear to understand if your crush does like you!

  1. Pay attention to details: Chances are if someone likes you and you guys have a conversation, they will remember the little details because little details are the ones that count. Someone remembering the little details of your conversation might give out a strong indication of their feelings for you.

  2. They engage in conversation: Chances are when someone likes you they want to know more about you; they want to talk more about you; have more conversations with you. They would try to build upon the conversation by adding in topics which both you could talk about. They might as well try to get a hint of your relationship status if it’s not confirmed between conversations, which might just give out a big indication.

  3. They seem to brighten up as they see you: If someone’s crush walks into a room, that person will instantly cheer up. Their facial expressions will change from gloomy or bored to energetic and cheerful. They might even have a smile come upon their face. Their eyes might lit up and their posture might be changed from maybe sluggish to attentive. Therefore, the next time you walk into a room with that person in it, try to observe sudden changes in their facial expressions and posture, that might give you a hint.

  4. They try to impress you: If someone likes you back, they will definitely try to impress you. They might start talking about specific achievements that would interest you specifically. Them sharing their achievements with you is not them trying to brag, instead it’s them try to view themselves as a worthy partner in your perspective. If you are competing in a competition, they might be the one cheering for you the loudest from the top of their lungs.

  5. They laugh at your jokes: Human and laughter are very important aspects in a relationship. Personally for me, if there is not humour and laughter in a relationship, it might as well the same as having no salt in your food- completely bland. People tend to look for humour in a relationship. Humour helps two individuals bond better and have a good time together. Therefore, if you catch them laughing a lot at your jokes, that might just be a sign!

  6. Get closer while you’re talking: If someone likes you, they will get closer to you while you guys are talking. They may enter your personal space by sitting right next to you, turning towards you, and leaning in while talking.

  7. Make eye contact: As mentioned in the introduction, making eye contact has been an indicator of feelings and attraction for a long time. Making eye contact doesn’t mean staring at the other person until they feel uncomfortable. Making eye contact might just mean holding each other’s gaze for a short period of time.

It can be confusing and frustrating at the same time if you don’t know whether someone likes you back or not especially if they have been giving confusing signs. However, if you follow my advice of looking out and observing some of the key tips, you might have an answer to your question. Regardless, don’t stress too much about them liking you back or not, it might take some time, but the process will gradually happen!

Good Luck Readers!

Dear Letterbox


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