Hey friend,
First of all, I am living for the enemies to lovers!! But seriously, are you 100% sure that he hates you? Feelings are not all that simple to understand. Maybe he likes you back but puts on a cold front because he’s scared to show it! First off, if you are sure that he hates you, you should start thinking about why. Do you tend to tease him regularly? Sometimes what you think of as a fun joke could actually have hurt him. I know it’s hard to be nice to the person you like sometimes because you don’t want them to know you like them, but try being a little bit nicer! This could make him grow closer to you and start to like you.
Hate is a strong word, and maybe you could be overthinking things a bit. Perhaps he is just a little indifferent to you, and you overreacted and assumed he hates you (I do this all the time). But if you are sure that he hates you, maybe it is because of something that happened between you two in the past. If this is the case, then you should try and make things right by making up for whatever went wrong. If this is not the case, there is a chance that he doesn’t hate you and instead just doesn’t know you that well.
If you are trying to rekindle or create a friendship between you two, you could start by finding out things you have in common. This could be a sport you both play, a TV show or video game you’re both a fan of, anything! Try to start up a conversation about any of those, and eventually, you’ll start talking to each other more and more, and he’ll stop hating you (it worked for me!).
Best of luck!
Dear Letterbox
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