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I’m still in love with my ex (it’s been months) what do I do?

Dear reader,

How are you all doing today? Today, we will be talking about a two important actions, breaking up and moving on. We all know how break up works. Breakups can be mutual or can be one-sided. Some break ups might end on a happy note and some might end nasty. The main process of action starts after the breakup, moving on. Now, moving on might not be easy. Different people have unique emotional engagements with their partners. Some might not be that serious, so moving is easier. Whereas, for others moving on would be like walking on fire. Moving can be a tough process, but don’t worry. I am here to help you. I will provide you with a few strategies you could use to help you move on from your past relationship. After all moving on is important for your mental and physical health.

  • Cut off all communication, both directly and indirectly: Cutting your past partner off might feel hard and emotionally uncomfortable as well, especially when you two didn’t end off on bad terms. However, cutting them completely off is important. You don’t have to know where they are, what are they doing, who are they with. It’s time focus on your self more than on your ex’s life. Also, stating the fact that ex’s can never be friend, especially instantly after the break. It rarely works. Therefore, for the sake of your mental and physical health, remove any sort of communication with them.

  • Forgive the past: Many breakups end in regret and anger. In order to be able to move on, you would have to let go of that regret and anger. Try to stop thinking about whose fault was it. It doesn’t take much time moving from “what went wrong” to “its my fault”. You would constantly be thinking about what you could’ve done to save your relationship. Those things would become hurdles in your journey to move on. Therefore, forgive everything in the past, and start a new life.

  • Think practical: After a break up, during the ‘move on’ stage, you might face times when you want to go back to them. You just want to cherish the happy moments you spent with them. However, at that moment, you currently are in the fantasy version of your relationship. You only remember the happy parts of that time period. Well, if your relationship was all perfect in the first place, then it wouldn't have ended. The painful parts of the relationship and the person involved will often get blurred out of our memory. Therefore, in order to have a more authentic version of your relationship, jot down each and every aspect of your relationship, regardless of whether it was good or bad. Then, you will have a realistic perspective of what your relationship actually was.

  • Understand that the love feelings towards your past partner are normal: Feelings are sensitive and they do not go away so easily. In fact, it would be very weird, if you would start hating your ex the next day after you guys broke up. What you once felt for them was true and intense and it's not that easy to suddenly turn off the relationship chapter in your body. Don't think that still having love feelings for you ex is a sign of you not being able to move on. IT IS NOT. You will move on eventually, but you just have to give it some time.

  • Don’t forget to love yourself: Don’t start feeling bad about yourself considering the fact that you can’t move on. More precisely, you accept, forgive, and empathize with yourself. Loving your self is one of the most important steps of moving on, especially if you’re coming out of a relationship with an ex you’re still in love with. At this point, you are extremely vulnerable. You might be having thoughts such as “Will I ever be loved again? Will I ever find someone as good as them? Am I even worthy of love? ” All these thoughts will go away when you start to accept yourself and love yourself.

Moving on from an ex you are still in love with is important for your mental health. You will go through good days and bad days. Just remember, you WILL GET THROUGH IT. Remind yourself everyday that things will get better everyday. You will come out more stronger and healthier from this process. Don’t worry you just have a little more to go!

Good Luck!

Dear Letterbox





Dear Letter Box // ISB

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