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I've got a massive crush on [someone] I watched walk during CFS, but it feels like he's super flirty

... with everyone and I have a lot of competition. What do I do???


Never fear cause letterbox is here!

Personally, I am a believer to not leave regrets no matter what - so you should just tell them :)

In all seriousness though, I think it depends on what grade level this person is in.

  1. Senior If they’re a senior, I would suggest that you tell them your feelings for them regardless of the result. They’ve got only a couple of weeks left of school anyway. Go for it.

  2. Junior Be cautious with these kids, words spread around fast in this grade. But, even if they reject you they’ll probably be too focused on school and college apps next year and forget about it. Go for it.

  3. Sophomore Mhmmm, go for it. This is the last year when students will get a proper summer. If it does work out, you guys can hang out all throughout summer. Juniors are too busy with EE’s and seniors would be off to college.

  4. Freshmen Little freshies might be too scared to reject or accept someones confession, go for it.

My answer? Still the same. Leave no regrets, just go for it. You never know when it’s the next time you’ll fall in love.

Good luck!

Dear Letterbox

Image source: Weibo


Dear Letter Box // ISB

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