Hello readers!
How are you all doing today? Have you guys ever had the thought of what it would feel like to be ghosted by someone really close or how many of you have been ghosted? How did it feel-sad, nervous, anxious, frustrating, right? Well, getting ghost is probably the worst thing to happen to someone especially if it has happened by a person whom you really love and trust. Don’t worry if this is what you’re going through right now and please if especially your boyfriend is ghosting you, DO NOT FILE A MISSING PERSON’S REPORT. Here are some things that might help your boyfriend from not ghosting you.
Don’t over analyze: Often times we tend to overthink the situation and make things more complicated than they should be. We might have many different emotions at that time, certain emotions which only bring out the worse of our thoughts. However, our worse thoughts can be wrong, maybe your partner was just busy, or something happened to their phone, they didn’t have network, anything. Try to think of recent conversation you might have had with your partner about maybe taking a flight or going to a place with no network. Just be patient in this situation and let them reply you back. Overanalyzing the situation will only make it worse. Be patient and everything will get through. Try to re-evaluate the situation and really ask yourself, “Am I actually being ghosted?”
Be Honest: Honesty should really be the number one priority trait in a relationship. Even though, you might be aware that you are being ghosted by someone who is really special for you, you should ask them. Try texting them or talking them face to face. Ask them what is going on? Is everything okay? Although, it might not be easy for you. You might be having negative thoughts and emotions, but if you want to save your relationship, you must talk to them and be strong.
Give Time: When you realize you are being ghosted, you might want to instantly talk to them, sort everything out. However, that might not be the best choice out there. An alternative choice to this situation might be to give that person some time. Maybe, something might be going on with them, which they might not be willing to share. Giving them some time might help sort everything out and you might as well get an explanation as to why you were being ghosted.
Don’t ‘treat’ your feelings with substance abuse: Even though this is not an advice on how to approach the situation while being ghosted, but your feelings are equally important as well. Normally, people would be having thoughts such as anxiety, nervousness, frustration, or fear during these types of situations. During that point of time, the first thing they might turn to is alcohol, or any kind of substance that makes them forget everything. Often times, people tend to overdo the substance, drink too much or inhale too much of it, something called substance abuse. You might feel good after taking them since you won’t remember why you were sad or anything like that, however, the consequences of substance abuse is not good. Therefore, remember don’t try to cheer yourself up by substance abuse. Give time to your feelings and to the situation, things will slowly progress.
I know getting ghosted is probably the worst feeling especially if it’s from someone who means a lot to you. However, maybe the situation might not be as bad as you think. They will communicate with you; it’s just a matter of time. Don’t worry too much, you will get through and things will be okay. Just be patient and stay calm!
Good luck!
Dear Letterbox