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Jun 14, 2022
How do 11th and 12th graders manage their time? I have clubs and sports everyday...
and was wondering how upperclassmen manage clubs and homework everyday. HELLO, YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY ASKING THE RIGHT PERSON, “You have too...

Jun 14, 2022
A friend has expressed a romantic interest in me, and over time I have started to feel...
a little in the same way for them. However they seem to be extremely close and flirty with a lot of people and I’m scared to commit. What...

Jun 14, 2022
What day is it today?
Well, as of the publishing day for this cycle of questions on Dear Letterbox... It is June 14, 2022.

Jun 14, 2022
How do you get a 7 in English?
How to get a 7 on paper1 Eng L&L SL? Can English teachers get a 7 in English? Hello fellow/ future IB English L&L sufferee. The paper 1...

Jun 14, 2022
How to know if a guy likes you or if he's just being super nice?
Dear friend, Thank you for asking the question. There are two main ways to know if a guy likes you. Check to see if he texts you a lot. A...

Jun 14, 2022
This is from a teacher. Do our kids know that we care about them being kind more than their grades?
*This is from a teacher. Do our kids know that we care about them being nice/honest/kind/caring more than their grades? Hi! Yes, we know...

Jun 14, 2022
How do I drop out of school?
Dearest Reader of the Letterbox, You are able to access an online student withdrawal request form with the following link:...

Jun 14, 2022
Should I go to Math Advanced or Standard in 10th Grade?
Hi friend! As someone who is currently taking the Math 10 Standard course but with friends who are taking the Math 10 Advanced course, I...

![What do I do if the guy who “likes me” is being [annoying] and avoiding me](,h_219,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/9922eb_0c6730fa1c4d47f1912db896787228c9~mv2.webp)
Jun 14, 2022
What do I do if the guy who “likes me” is being [annoying] and avoiding me
Hi there! Boys are confusing creatures (no offence to the boys out there). Sometimes they show everything they are thinking on their...

Jun 14, 2022
How do I get more clouted? Please I need this
Dearest client, Ah, what a relatable question. I’m sure this inquiry has run through every pubescent teenagers’ heads before at some...

Jun 14, 2022
I have a best friend ive been with for 4 years, but recently we have been arguing every month...
and we keep deleting and ghosting each other. The relationship has become toxic, is is best if I let go and end the friendship even...

Jun 14, 2022
How can I improve my time management skills?
Dear readers, First, I would to say thank you for your question. I believe this is one of the questions that a lot of people have. I, as...

Jun 14, 2022
中文LangLit 的skills 可以transfer to English LangLit吗?
亲爱的读者, 首先感谢你点名让我回答这个问题,毋庸置疑,这是对我在LangLit课程中学习能力的莫大肯定(没有阴阳怪气呢.jpg)。 本人强烈不推荐把中文或英文LangLit课程中学到的知识及答题技巧原封不动地照搬至另一科目。就理论而言,中文与英文都应该遵循同样的LangL...

Jun 14, 2022
Why is school so hard?
Greetings, No doubt, this question has been a passing thought through the minds of every student in existence - perhaps while staring at...

Jun 14, 2022
How do i initiate more physical contact with my boyfriend, i like him a lot but i'm too shy 💀
Hello readers! How are you guys doing today? I hope you’re not feeling too stressed with the year coming towards an end and with all the...

Jun 14, 2022
I have been cutting myself for a long time...
Only two of my friends know and I honestly don’t know what to do. No matter how much I try to communicate with my parents, they think I’m...

Jun 14, 2022
c o n f e s s i o n s // vol.1
I love my gf <3 - me too <3 Cheers! Why is Poon Poon so cute? 橘生淮南则为橘,生于淮北则为枳 --- Hi y'all, This is the first installation of our new...

Jun 14, 2022
how are you?
Hi! I’m fine, thank you, and you? (jkjk Seriously, I’m quite tired due to my terrible time management, even though I did not have that...

Jun 14, 2022
How to friendzone
Ah yes, friendzoning. Arguably one of the hardest things to do in school without being called a d**k. People often associate friendzoning...

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